
Reimagine your company’s future

Business Strategy & DevelopmentAiming higher, Thinking differently

New, fresh and professional business strategy development for your small business.


Strategy Focus Areas

  • Overall Strategy
    Business Model and Plan.
  • Marketing 
    Branding, Online/Digital Marketing & Social Media Marketing.
  • Technology
    Consulting, development, integration and customization.

Our goal is to identify your business ideology, objectives, strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, products, services and anything else needed to grasp and immerse into what your small business wants to accomplish.


Research & Analysis

In order to improve anything in life, including a business strategy, one must do the necessary research and analysis of what already exists and how it functions. Thus, before our team can suggest and develop any small business strategy, it first must conduct a thorough analysis of the existing business’ model, background and operation. Learn more about business model analysis.


Identifying Opportunities

Discovering and identifying potential for improvement

We use today’s latest business model analysis and strategy tools to provide our clients with a clear and understandable view of how their current business operates and identify the areas where there’s room for improvement in order to boost a business’ competitive advantage

Areas for potential business strategy improvement

  • Key value propositions - What value the business delivers to customers
  • Target customer segments - Who the business creates value for
  • Distribution channels - How customers are reached
  • Customer relationship types - How to connect with customers
  • Key activities - Activities required to provide the business value propositions
  • Key resources - Resources required for providing value to customers
  • Delight & branding - What delights people about a company
  • Revenue streams - Pricing structure to generate sales
  • Cost structure - Business costs incurred for products or services offered
  • Team structure - How the business organization works within
  • Competitors - How to challenge and face competitors
  • Partnerships - Key partners required for being a competitive business
  • Customer acquisition - Marketing strategies for generating customers

Ideation & Improvement

Strategy Development

The identified opportunities to enhance your company’s business model allow our team to develop new ideas, strategies and work out a plan to help boost your business and give it a fresh new outlook. The process involves doing a lot of brainstorming, putting our creative hats on and developing lots of possible ideas. Learn more about our creative process.

Upon examining, discussing and evaluating various possible solutions for each area of improvement our team chooses the top choices and focuses on developing them further.


New Business Strategy

Updating the Business Model

Once all of the previous steps are completed, our team will provide our clients with a thorough written report of all the analysis, findings, suggested areas to improve, ideas, strategies for the business and final recommendations for an updated business model to pursue.

The Big Picture - 1 Page Business Model Canvas

Bloominari will provide two versions of a client’s business model. The original depicting the current way the company operates and, an updated & improved one including all the new ideas and strategies to pursue.



  • Face-to-face presentation of suggested small business strategies to follow
  • Two 1-page business model canvas
    • The company’s original strategy & structure
    •  A new and updated strategy with suggested ways to improve.
  • One written report focusing on the overall macro strategy suggested. Including the details regarding the analysis, research, ideation, and selected strategies presented.
  • Optional - Professional Business Plan. 

Interested in a new business strategy to improve your business?

Contact Us Today!